
Simple and accurate
taxes prepared
at no cost to
qualifying taxpayers!

Who qualifies?

  • SINGLE with no dependents & income < $45,000
  • SINGLE WITH DEPENDENTS & income < $67,000
  • MARRIED & combined income < $67,000

What do I need to bring?

  • Social Security Card - for everyone on the return
  • Photo ID for taxpayer and spouse
  • Printed copies of the following common tax forms:
    • All W2 and 1099 forms
    • 1095A if you had marketplace insurance
    • 1098T for students
    • All other tax documents given to you
  • Last year's return
  • Bank account routing number and account number
  • To file a joint return, both spouses must be present

Hours and Locations

Please review our Appointments page.

All appointments for the tax season are currently full. Please come back on April 2nd at 9:00 am and there will be limited new appointments added for Monday April 7 from 5-7:30 at Bloomington Public Library and Tuesday April 8 from 5-7:30 at Heartland Community College.

Those dropping off taxes on April 7 will be required to return on Saturday April 12 to pick up their completed returns between 9:30am and noon.

Those dropping off taxes on April 8 will be required to return on Thursday April 10 to pick up their completed returns between 5:00 and 7:30pm.

Click here to book at BPL.

Click here to book at HCC.